Final Meeting of the Steering Committee
27. 7. 2018
The Back4Future Steering Committee has met in Brno for the last time during the implementation phase of the project to discuss and approve of the Business Plan. The members attending were Pavel Krečmer for CEITEC BUT, Roland Ludwig for BOKU, Ulrike Diebold for TUW, Martin Klimánek for CEITEC MENDELU, Viktor Kanický for CEITEC MU, Ondřej Bureš for CEITEC IPM, and also Tomáš Šikola as the project coordinator, Ivana Hamadová, Božena Čechalová and Gerhard Piringer from the project management/implementation board, and Erik Reimhult as a guest.
The meeting was quorate and approved of the BP unanimously. Strategies for the Consortium structure and CEITEC management structure have also been discussed.