Project News
Mid-term meeting of the Steering Committee
23. 2. 2018The mid-term meeting of the Back4Future Steering committe took place in Vienna, attended by SC members Pavel Krečmer, Roland Ludwig, Helga Lichtenegger, Ulrike Diebold, Ulrich Schmid,…
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Kick-Off Meeting
25. 9. 2017The Kick-Off meeting was held at September 25 in Brno. Approx. 50 invited guests from Vienna and Brno attended the morning ceremony followed by a lunch and closed meeting of the extended…
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Final Meeting of the Steering Committee
27. 7. 2018The Back4Future Steering Committee has met in Brno for the last time during the implementation phase of the project to discuss and approve of the Business Plan. The members attending were…
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