Back4Future in numbers
Important numbers and dates regarding the Back4Future project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under Grant Agreement No 763685.
Back4Future objectives
• Enhanced international exchange of scientists
• Increased international visibility by publications in top-class journals
• Improved ability to acquire funds from highly competitive sources, both nationally and internationally
• Enhanced cross-disciplinary research, especially bridging nano-science and biology
• Education/Motivation of next-generation young scientists
• Strengthened co-operation in research and development with industry at the regional, national and international level
Back4Future long-term vision
CEITEC will become one of the world’s leading hubs, supporting Life-improving Nano-industry by developing unique research-to-market lines of advanced nanomaterials and integrated nanodevices and nano-systems with applications ranging from optics and electronics to life sciences.
News and Events
Brno supports Back4Future
25. 9. 2018 - The City of Brno officialy signed the financial support to the Back4Future project on CEITEC, aimed on the creation of new Junior Reseach Groups. Read more (in Czech) in the related…
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ICN+T conference
22. - 27. 2018International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology was be held in Brno in 22 – 27 July 2018, and CEITEC BUT was one of the organizers, with our project coordinator Tomáš Šikola…
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Workshop and roundtable with industry
24. 11. 2017Project Back4Future held a "Workshop and roundtable with industry" on 24th November 2017.There were introduced possibilities brought by the project to our region and which could help to…
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Autumn School on CEITEC MU
21.- 25. 10. 2017The school focused on fundamentals of optical response of bulk materials and layered systems.More can be found here.
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Researchers Night Brno 2017
6. 10. 2017More than 2000 adults and 300 children visited Ceitec MUNI, Ceitec VUT and MENDELU to participate on the Researchers' Night. Visitors were allowed to have a look around research labs,…
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International Engineering Fair 2017
9. - 13. 10. 2017The Brno International Engineering Trade Fair 2017 featured the participation of CEITEC BUT in the presentation of the Brno University of Technology. Visitors could gain information…
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Open Days IPM
9. 11. 2017The Institute of Physics of Materials has opened its door to public as a part of the Week of Science and Technology, the most extensive science festival in the Czech Republic.  …
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CEITEC Christmas Workshop
28. 11. 2017The annual Christmas Workshop held by CEITEC took place in Observatory and Planetarium Brno on 28th November 2017. Besides presentations and scientific talks, including the…
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CEITEC NANO user meeting
30. 11. 2017CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure invited all users to the 2nd CEITEC Nano User Meeting. Meeting took place in building C+S, Purkyňova 123, 612 00 Brno and included invited lectures,…
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Open Day FME
12. 1. 2018During the Open Day held in the physics and engineering laboratories on BUT, visitors were given informations about the project, CEITEC and the faculty, study programmes, etc. They were…
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